How can you deal with rejection and overcome it? Trying really hard…

How can you deal with rejection and overcome it?

Trying really hard to get into the university of your choice in Germany is really hard and if you don’t get in, it is normal you will experience it badly! But rejection happens to everyone and you have to try not to let that lower your confidence, you can try again next year.

Does Germany offer job opportunities after you finish your studies?

Apart from offering great education to add to your motivation to become an engineer someday, Germany offers many open job opportunities for engineers looking to give back to the community and take part in the modern technology development.

How many students are enrolled in an engineering degree in Germany?

Engineering programs are still the most attractive study programs to students inside and outside of Germany. Out of 130,000 students that gained a degree in Engineering, about 2,500 of them were international students.

How can you check for engineering degrees in Germany online?

The Agency for Academic Exchange also known as DAAD in Germany has a database which has a list of many degrees you can finish in Germany, including engineering. The first step you need to take is to find the engineering degree you want.

Do German universities require a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB)?

Most universities in Germany, including Engineering schools may ask for a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB) meaning a higher education entrance qualification among other documents required, such as a high school diploma, CV, a cover letter and a proof of health insurance or an entrance exam score.

How can you turn a gap year into a good thing?

Sometimes being rejected is not the worst thing in the world. You can turn your devastation into work, travelling, volunteering, taking courses, classes or even an internship. The idea of taking a gap year isn’t so bad after all.

Why is Germany so popular with students who want to study Engineering?

Since they have forward-looking education methodologies, practice-oriented study programs and an excellent academic staff, it is no wonder German Engineering universities make it to the top university rankings in the world.

What type of programs does Germany offer for engineering students?

Germany offers many different programs of studies when it comes to engineering studies. For years some of the student’s favorites have been Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and General Engineering but lately high interest rates have been noticed in Computer Engineering.