What is the percentage of foreign students who want to study engineering…

What is the percentage of foreign students who want to study engineering in Germany?

The wish to pursue educational dreams in Germany is present among many international students, especially for the field of Engineering. 40% of foreign students seek a degree in Engineering in Germany.

Do German engineering universities rank up high?

Being on top of the best engineering universities in the world (Top 100 and Top 200 according to the latest data) Engineering universities in Germany are demanded by many international students.

Do engineering universities in Germany offer scholarships?

Among the quality of professors and equipment in engineering universities in Germany, you’ll be offered many scholarships to cover your tuition fees or to support a part of your monthly costs such as accommodation, study materials etc.

Do you need to do a Studienkolleg before studying in Germany?

Although high achieving students may by-pass some requirements from universities, most of international students have to sit the Feststellungsprüfung entrance examination after having completed a Studienkolleg. This is not asked from all students. Besides this you are required a high school diploma, health insurance, language proficiency, visa.

Should you talk to an academic counselor?

You got rejected from the university you wanted to study at, now what? For starters, you can talk to an academic counselor at your school about you getting rejected and what to do next.

Can I still become an Engineer?

It is never impossible or too late to continue working to accomplish your study goals so you can become an engineer someday. Germany offers some of the best Engineering universities to anyone who meets the requirements and after finishing your studies you can find a secure job.

What language are engineering courses in Germany taught in?

Bachelor engineering courses in Germany are taught in the German language. English taught degrees are mostly Master degrees. As for the level of knowledge of the German language, most universities ask for a B1 level but some may require a C1 one.

What should you do in case your favourite university does not accept you?

Everyone gets rejected at some time in their lives and it just so happens that many of us will be refused by our preferred universities. This should not let you experience a setback and make you feel like you’ve failed. With hard work you too can pursue your dreams.