How can you check for engineering degrees in Germany online? The Agency…

How can you check for engineering degrees in Germany online?

The Agency for Academic Exchange also known as DAAD in Germany has a database which has a list of many degrees you can finish in Germany, including engineering. The first step you need to take is to find the engineering degree you want.

What should your back-up plans be if you do not get accepted?

Sometimes getting rejected from your #1 university is devastating, but it is important for you to consider your back up plans. You can start by applying for a winter semester as the acceptance rate may be higher because most of the students apply for the primary semester.

Do you need to be persistent when studying engineering in Germany?

People willing to never give up their dream to make their life better are just the kind of students German universities need. Engineering universities look for students who want to contribute to advancing technology.

How many programs does Germany offer for engineering students?

With a high number of interested international students from all over the world, Engineering universities in Germany currently offer around 3,400 degree programs in Engineering, 220 of which are English-language master’s programs.

What are the specific documents you need when applying in a German university?

A list of the specific and typical documents that are required for applying in German universities includes a copy of your high school diploma, a profile picture and a copy of your passport.

Should you still try to get into your favourite university even if you didn’t get accepted?

You should try to keep a positive outlook at your academic experience even if the university of your dreams refuses you. If that is where you always wanted to finish your studies then you should never stop trying to get a place in it.

What are the tuition fees of German engineering universities?

Besides their excellent teaching methods, most Engineering universities in Germany offer low to no tuition fees to all international students all over the world! The only fees might be administrative fees to cover student services.

How many students are enrolled in an engineering degree in Germany?

Engineering programs are still the most attractive study programs to students inside and outside of Germany. Out of 130,000 students that gained a degree in Engineering, about 2,500 of them were international students.