What is the percentage of foreign students who want to study engineering…

What is the percentage of foreign students who want to study engineering in Germany?

The wish to pursue educational dreams in Germany is present among many international students, especially for the field of Engineering. 40% of foreign students seek a degree in Engineering in Germany.

Do you need to be persistent when studying engineering in Germany?

People willing to never give up their dream to make their life better are just the kind of students German universities need. Engineering universities look for students who want to contribute to advancing technology.

How hard is it to get on the list of accepted students?

Getting into the lists of accepted students in Engineering universities in Germany is pretty difficult and not being one of those students with the first try is okay, you can try again next year.

What are the general documents you need to submit when applying to an engineering university?

There are some general documents you need to send for your application in an Engineering university in Germany. These are: a recognized degree, grades certificate, language proficiency, your CV, a cover letter and a proof of health insurance.

Is refusal common?

Refusal is a very common phenomenon that happens to students all around the world. That doesn’t mean that it is an easy reality to get over with. One good way of solving the problem is by checking if other universities are still offering open positions.

How to find and decide on the degree that you desire?

Finding the degree you desire can be a difficult decision to make. Unfortunately there isn’t a single database that offers all the information you need. But luckily there is a database that offers information for most of the international engineering degrees in Germany and it is called DAAD.

How many programs does Germany offer for engineering students?

With a high number of interested international students from all over the world, Engineering universities in Germany currently offer around 3,400 degree programs in Engineering, 220 of which are English-language master’s programs.

What do Engineering universities in Germany want to achieve with their students?

A crucial aspect of studying Engineering in German universities is the practice part you have to finish which accounts for a major part of your studies. The aim of these universities is to create a skilled engineer out of you.