Do German universities require a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB)? Most universities in Germany, including…

Do German universities require a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB)?

Most universities in Germany, including Engineering schools may ask for a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB) meaning a higher education entrance qualification among other documents required, such as a high school diploma, CV, a cover letter and a proof of health insurance or an entrance exam score.

Will my high school diploma be accepted by a German university?

Students are often concerned if their high school diplomas will be accepted by the German universities. It is recommended you check in with the university. If you don’t qualify, you can undertake a one-year preparatory course.

Should you keep persisting even if you do not get accepted?

Being refused hurts and is a devastating process to get past but it isn’t enough to set you back and make you believe that you can’t make it. That application isn’t going to fill itself. You better start trying again.

What are some of the most requested fields of engineering in Germany?

Mechanical engineering, Aerospace engineering, Computer engineering, Nuclear engineering and Mechatronics are some of the most requested fields of Engineering studies in Germany. Not only they are attractive subjects but they also offer challenging and interesting lectures and homework.

What do the rankings of Engineering Universities in Germany look like?

German Engineering universities usually make it to the top engineering education rankings in the world. They are valued for their education methodologies, practice-oriented study programs, their excellent academic staff and obliging future prospects.

How many students are enrolled in an engineering degree in Germany?

Engineering programs are still the most attractive study programs to students inside and outside of Germany. Out of 130,000 students that gained a degree in Engineering, about 2,500 of them were international students.

How hard is it to get accepted by well known Universities in Germany?

Getting accepted at universities that are known globally for their excellence is a challenge, especially in Germany. Many international students are going to be applying for the same position as you are. If you fail to get accepted in Engineering universities in Germany you shouldn’t get devastated, in the contrary, it should push you to work harder to get that degree that you dream of getting.

What are some qualities you can possess in order to have an easier time getting accepted?

Although it is difficult to get in the lists of accepted students in German Engineering universities, people who are hardworking, have clear goals, patience and stubbornness can achieve being in the top.