Are high school grades important? Make sure you focus on your grades…

Are high school grades important?

Make sure you focus on your grades during high school. Even if you meet all the requirements due to a lot of international students applying, the higher your GPA the higher the chances will be to have a spot in an undergraduate program in Munich. If the university you are applying for in Munich is very competitive with limited places, then you may need to take additional exams as part of your application. This also depends on the course you choose because some programs require taking specific tests, for example MBA programs will require GMAT or GRE tests.

Should you apply to other universities in case one doesn’t accept you?

Make sure you apply to different universities in case you get rejected. Even if you get rejected by all, take it as a lesson to better yourself and prepare yourself next time. Rejection is tough but it is a great life lesson and experience in the long run!

Why should you choose the right place to study in?

As an international student coming from a low-income country, it’s important you choose the right place and university for you. Munich is one of the best places to be in as an international student due to the opportunities that it offers, not only for studying but for working as well. It also helps a lot that it’s a beautiful place and the living expenses are rather modest.

What are the tuition fees like in Munich?

Most international students are happy with the level of their academic studies and the tuition fees even though Munich is one of the most expensive cities in Germany. On a more international level it is considered fairly cheap and around 15,000 international students were enrolled in universities in Munich.

How to secure your place in Munich?

Although Munich is one of the best cities for international students, competing for a place can be tough due to the high demand and competitiveness. Always remember that will hard-work and persistence you can secure a spot!

How can you choose the right course for your Bachelor or Master Degree in Munich?

One of the most important things you need to do before applying for a Bachelor or Master Degree in Munich is to choose the right course for you and the university based on its location (for living expenses) and the content of the course. In addition to choosing the right course and applying for a degree in Munich, you must also consider what the university wants. Requirements vary from each university but generally they have very similar standards.

Do a lot of students want to earn a degree and then work in Munich?

Most international students around 90% want to earn a degree in Munich. Half of them want to stay in Munich for more job opportunities to advance their careers. The other half would like to go back to their home-country mainly because of family reasons.

Should you apply for a later term?

If you are afraid of being rejected or are rejected, we suggest you apply for a later term. In particular, summer term because the chances of being accepted are way higher and there will not only be fewer students but more interaction with your professors.