Where can YOU find the BEST Medical Degrees in Germany? It can…

Where can YOU find the BEST Medical Degrees in Germany?

It can be a difficult decision to reach the degree you want. Sadly, there is not a single database that provides all the information you need. Yet, luckily, there is a database that gives you the information for most of Germany’s foreign medical degrees, and it is called DAAD.

Will your hard work pay off?

Becoming part of the student body of the high quality universities of Germany is a challenge but all the hard work and dedication will pay off in the end because Germany has many job opportunities for medicine students.

How difficult is it to get accepted in a German Medicine University?

It’s a challenge to get accepted at universities that are internationally recognized for their quality. Lots of international students can apply for the same university as you are. Failing to get accepted is not supposed to devastate you, on the contrary it should push you to work harder to get the degree you dream of getting.

Where should you study Medicine?

If you’re interested in studying medicine and have yet to decide your preferred study programme, you should consider coming to study in one of the most wanted and popular universities in Germany.

Are there enough English taught Medicine Degrees in Germany?

While most of Bachelor medicine degrees in Germany are taught in German, there are some medical degrees also taught in English. There are 59 English-taught programs that attract more than 9000 international students for medicine studies in Germany.

How many Universities should a Medicine International Students have on their list?

It hurts to get rejected and it’s a painful journey to get through but it’s not enough to set you back and make you believe you cannot make it. Fill that new application form before the deadline and make a list of your top 5 choices, just to make sure in case one university rejects you, you can enroll in the other one!

How much does studying medicine in a German university cost?

The cost of getting into one of Germany’s Medical universities varies and is determined by the student’s nationality and the fact if they’re enrolled in a public or private university in Germany. EU students only have to cover administration fees which cost at the maximum account for 300 Euros.

What are the 3 things each Medicine University in Germany REQUIRES?

Universities can set a list of required documents of their own. This can vary from one university to another. But, wherever you apply to you will have to hand in your recognized academic qualifications, a copy of your passport with a photo of you, proof that you understand and speak the German language and you have to take a specific test to see if you are qualified for the program you have chosen to apply to.