Is taking a gap year as a Medicine International Student a good…

Is taking a gap year as a Medicine International Student a good idea?

In case the university you wanted to attend has rejected you, you can always take a gap year. Even if you take this decision, you still need to decide if you are going to apply next year at the same university. If this is what you want, then try to get as much information as possible on the reason that university rejected you! It might be because of not having all the right documents, maybe your GPA, etc.

Where can YOU find the BEST Medical Degrees in Germany?

It can be a difficult decision to reach the degree you want. Sadly, there is not a single database that provides all the information you need. Yet, luckily, there is a database that gives you the information for most of Germany’s foreign medical degrees, and it is called DAAD.

Best Advice for International Students wanting to study in a German Medicine University?

At some point in our lives, everybody gets rejected and it just occurs that many of us will get rejected by our preferred universities. That should not allow you to experience a crushing defeat and make you feel as if you failed. You too, with hard work, can pursue your dreams. Make sure to always have a back up plan and a list of other universities you can apply to!

Do all universities have the same requirements?

Universities have different rules for documents and for the deadlines to send these documents. Generally there are two main deadlines. The deadline for the winter semester for Medical Universities is on the 15th of July, whereas the deadline for the summer semester is on the 15th of January. If you choose a tuition free university, expect to pay 300 euros monthly for living expenses.

What do most Medicine University require from an International Student?

Each University has its own requirements and inquiries especially for international students. It involves the list of personal documents that also need to be handed in. Almost every university requires the most basic documents: a version of your passport, profile images, finalized application form and copies of your school diploma or other certificates. You also have to finish the Medizinertest.

Are there enough English taught Medicine Degrees in Germany?

While most of Bachelor medicine degrees in Germany are taught in German, there are some medical degrees also taught in English. There are 59 English-taught programs that attract more than 9000 international students for medicine studies in Germany.

Is Germany the right choice for Medicine students?

Hardworking students, who have always had a dream to become doctors one day, can find the opportunities they have been looking for in the high quality medical universities of Germany.

Do medical schools in Germany offer different programs?

The medical schools of Germany offer many different study programs to choose from. Alongside the high quality of these studies the German universities are equipped with the most modern and most advanced laboratories.