Are there any opportunities in case you get rejected? Keep in mind…

Are there any opportunities in case you get rejected?

Keep in mind that if you get rejected there are many ways to get through it, maybe you will find better opportunities for your career. Rejection is something everyone experiences and do not let it keep you down!

How do students in Munich finance their studies?

Even though there are over 15,000 international students in Munich, many of them have different ways of funding their studies. Most of them have financial support from their parents (60%), after that they have savings (35%), a job related to their course (30%), scholarships (15%), a job not related to their studies (15%), paid internships (10%) and from BAFÖG (2%).

Is it a good idea to apply next year if you get rejected?

Reapplying next year if your application gets rejected is a great way to improve yourself and rest during that time. Make sure you find out what your weakest points are, maybe it was your standardized test scores or admission essay, maybe your interviewing skills or not having done enough extra-curricular activities! To get a better insight we suggest you sit down with a counselor and look through everything together.

What should you do after checking the requirements of your university of choice?

After checking the requirements of the university you want to apply to in order to be able to finish your Degree in Munich, we suggest you start learning German as soon as possible even if it is not necessary to be able to communicate when studying there. Keep in mind that choosing the right course, the right university, checking the requirements, learning the German language mean nothing if you don’t prepare financially before applying. Having the correct amount of money (around 10k) in a Blocked Account is one of the most important steps in order to be able to finish a Degree in Munich.

How can you finance yourself in Munich?

Considering the financial situation as an international student, even though Munich seems a bit expensive, it is not impossible to study there. Fortunately, there are many job opportunities for you as a student to be able to deal with your financial means!

What does Munich have to offer?

Munich not only has incredible universities with many courses to choose from in English and in German, it also offers many internships and job opportunities for people all around the world.

What are the different requirements that universities in Germany have?

There are different requirements each university has. Even though most of them are similar we suggest you check to make sure everything is right by contacting the international office of the university you want to apply to. One of the most important documents to be admitted to an undergraduate program is to have a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB) (higher education entrance qualification) or equivalent. If the university you are applying for is one of the highest ranked in Munich and very competitive then they may have to arrange an interview with you to discuss your application, usually through a video conference such as Skype.

What are the main difficulties that students face in Munich?

Even though there are a lot of international students in Munich, a lot of them face difficulties. The most frequent problems usually had to do with finding an apartment (65%), talking to German students (47%), adapting to a different learning system (43%), the German language (40%), understanding the Bavarian accent (27%), financial issues (24%), different culture (16%) and the university’s administration (15%).