What habits should you develop while learning a new language? Don’t forget…

What habits should you develop while learning a new language?

Don’t forget to plan your day beforehand so you don’t waste time organizing things. Learning German, even though it may seem difficult if you practice every day then you will learn it quickly.

What are some reasons you should learn a new language?

Students who learn a new language improve their creativity, problem solving skills and deal with abstract concepts easier. It is a great way to get into the job market because knowing more than one language benefits you in many ways.

Have there been more foreign students during these past years in Germany?

There has been a big increase in international students going from 300,000 to 375,000 international students which were enrolled in Germany.

How many International students study engineering in Germany?

Around 140,000 international students are studying an Engineering field and 40% of them are seeking a degree of that field in Germany, making Engineering the most preferred study field by international students.

What are some opportunities you can have if you know the German language?

Knowing the German language will open many opportunities for working and studying in Germany. Germany welcomes and supports all international students who have excellent grades and are hard-working.

How do you take the DSH test?

If you’re going to take the DSH test, then you must be prepared for an oral and written exam. 30% of the exam will be oral and the 70% left is written. The DSH test offers testing in these levels of German: basic (A1, A2), intermediate (B1/DSH1) and advanced (C1/DSH2 and C2/DSH3).

Which certificates are accepted if you want to finish a course in Germany?

If you want to go to Germany to finish a study course first, you need one of these certificates: DSH level 1, GDS C1 level, TestDaF min. 14 points, Language Certificate of the Education Ministers’ Conference level 2 with C1 in each section, UNIcert III and Deutsch C1 Hochschule.

Should you use German recipes while cooking food?

When you decide to cook, make sure you cook from German recipes. It is a fun way to enjoy yourself and learn more words, plus the end is quite rewarding!