Which is the most popular degree with international students in Germany? Around…

Which is the most popular degree with international students in Germany?

Around 350,000 international students were studying in Germany where 140,000 of them were in an Engineering field, making Engineering the most studied program by international students.

Does Germany accept more students than France?

Germany surpassed France in accepting international students. In the same year students went from 300,000 to 350,000, with a 30% increase. The number keeps growing every day and more international students apply.

What should you do if you face difficulties learning German?

If while learning German, you face difficulties then don’t be discouraged! Everyone has difficulties learning a new language but it’s important you keep a positive attitude nonetheless.

What certificates enable you to immediately study in Germany?

There are a few certificates that if you possess then you don’t need to take a language proficiency test. These certificates are: German University Entrance Qualification (Abitur), telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule certification, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom, the Assessment exam certificate (Feststellungsprüfungszeugnis), telc Deutch B1 certification, certificate of a Goethe-Institute Test and certificates of completing an academic study degree in Germany abroad.

Is it worth it to learn a new language?

Students who want to learn a new language have to remember that even though it might be difficult, it will make you a more valuable employee in the job market. Also, learning a new language will improve your memory and listening skills.

What do the DSD and TestDaF exams look like?

DSD and TestDaf are language proficiency exams which include four sections: reading, writing, speaking and listening. TestDaF offers testing in the levels 3-5 which are equal to CEFR B2.1 to C1.3 level and as for DSD has two parts DSD I which is equal to a B2/C1 CEFR level, and DSD II to a C2 CEFR level.

Can learning the German language help you live and work abroad?

The German language is a great way to leave your country and get the education you need. Most international students who finish their degree in Germany find new jobs there and settle down.

What else should you practice while learning German?

Besides learning new words and their correct articles, it is important to practice your listening skills. Being stuck in the same place for hours, with heavy study sessions can really tire you out so make sure every 40 minutes you rest.