Do you need to be persistent when studying engineering in Germany? People…

Do you need to be persistent when studying engineering in Germany?

People willing to never give up their dream to make their life better are just the kind of students German universities need. Engineering universities look for students who want to contribute to advancing technology.

Can you reapply if you do not get accepted the first time?

In a country, like Germany, where demands for studying for degrees are high, many students go unaccepted by their chosen universities. But remember with high motivation and dedication you can do it. You can be in the list of students who get to sit and listen to the lectures that they wanted to participate in.

Do I have to choose a specific city when wanting to study engineering in Germany?

Many known universities in the well-known cities of Germany have engineering degrees for you to take. These universities usually have practice-oriented lectures and cover areas such as: Environment & Climate, Energy & Raw Materials, Mobility & Infrastructure, but they are depended on the type of engineering degree you want.

Is engineering popular with international students in Germany?

Being the most popular degree for international students in Germany, it is sure it attracts a high number of students. A total of 140,000 international students were attending German engineering schools.

What do Engineering universities in Germany want to achieve with their students?

A crucial aspect of studying Engineering in German universities is the practice part you have to finish which accounts for a major part of your studies. The aim of these universities is to create a skilled engineer out of you.

Do you need to do a Studienkolleg before studying in Germany?

Although high achieving students may by-pass some requirements from universities, most of international students have to sit the Feststellungsprüfung entrance examination after having completed a Studienkolleg. This is not asked from all students. Besides this you are required a high school diploma, health insurance, language proficiency, visa.

Should you keep persisting even if you do not get accepted?

Being refused hurts and is a devastating process to get past but it isn’t enough to set you back and make you believe that you can’t make it. That application isn’t going to fill itself. You better start trying again.

What language are engineering courses in Germany taught in?

Bachelor engineering courses in Germany are taught in the German language. English taught degrees are mostly Master degrees. As for the level of knowledge of the German language, most universities ask for a B1 level but some may require a C1 one.