What do YOU need to check before applying for any Medicine University…

What do YOU need to check before applying for any Medicine University in Germany?

Before submitting you need to check whether your high school diploma is recognized with the university. In most cases it will, however, if it happens that it doesn’t, you’ll need to enroll in the “Studienkolleg” Foundation Course and particularly the “Feststellungsprüfung” exam.

Is taking a year off your studies a good idea for you career as a Medicine Student?

Getting rejected is scary but sometimes not the worst thing in the world. Work in turning your devastation into taking time off, traveling, taking courses, reconsidering options, learning new things. After all, the idea of taking a year off is not so bad.

Which Documents do you need for a Medicine University as a High School Graduate?

If you are a high school graduate wanting to study Medicine in Germany, you will have to apply with the following basic documents. These include a copy of your passport, profile pictures, completed application form and copies of your high school diploma or other certificates.

How difficult is it to get accepted in a German Medicine University?

It’s a challenge to get accepted at universities that are internationally recognized for their quality. Lots of international students can apply for the same university as you are. Failing to get accepted is not supposed to devastate you, on the contrary it should push you to work harder to get the degree you dream of getting.

Is Medicine popular in Germany?

Medicine is one of the most studied fields of science in Germany. The high demands for study programs have made this field of studies one of the most advanced and invested in.

How many medicine faculties provide a medicine degree?

There are many medicine faculties that provide a medicine degree. As for now, there are 38 German universities that offer various medical degrees, meaning there are plenty of options depending on the preference of around 10,000 international students each year.

Why do young students want to become doctors?

German universities offer the opportunity for young students who want to be doctors, so in the future they can find high paying jobs and serve back to the community.

Does studying a Medicine Degree in Germany cost a lot?

The tuition fees are one of the biggest and largest financial costs for Medicine graduates. Throughout Germany they range from 1,000 € to 3,000€ for every academic year. Please note that tuition fees are much greater for private universities compared to national universities.