What is the percentage of international students in Germany? Out of all…

What is the percentage of international students in Germany?

Out of all students in Germany, 15% of them were international students. They’re around 375,000 and the number keeps growing every day. It is no surprise Germany is a popular destination for international students due to the high acceptance rate and excellent education.

How long should you learn German for in a day?

While you are learning German, don’t forget to take breaks every 40 to 50 minutes. We suggest you plan your day beforehand, so you don’t waste time. Also, during your study sessions remember to also learn the correct articles to new words.

Does learning a new language have any benefits?

Studying a new language helps you improve your memory and listening skills. It opens doors to opportunities in jobs in the field of: business, marketing, law, technology, military, etc.

What can you do in order to stay motivated while learning the German language?

Don’t forget to reward yourself after a successful study session, while learning German. That will definitely keep you motivated. Also, resting every now and then can boost your ability to focus.

What are the tuition fees in German Universities?

Universities in Germany have really low tuition fees, sometimes even none. Knowing the German language can help you study there and later on find a job to settle down. Most international students who finish their degree in Germany continue living there.

Are there a lot of foreign students from the Middle East in Germany?

The number of Syrian international students tripled since 2015 in Germany. Besides India and China, there has been an increase of international students from Iran, Tunisia, Morocco and Syria.

What are some German language certificates that are accepted in Germany?

There are many different German language certificates that are accepted/needed by German universities. Some of them are: DSH level 2 or above, GDS C2 level, TestDaF min. 4 points in each section and Language Certificate of the Education Ministers’ Conference level 2 with C2 in each section as well.

What should you do after choosing which language proficiency test you are going to take?

Once you decide which language proficiency test you are going to take; you need to prepare yourself for the sections the test has. For example, the DSH test has oral (30%) and written (70%) exams. The DSH test offers testing in these levels of German: basic (A1, A2), intermediate (B1/DSH1) and advanced (C1/DSH2 and C2/DSH3).