How difficult is it to get accepted in a German Medicine University?…

How difficult is it to get accepted in a German Medicine University?

It’s a challenge to get accepted at universities that are internationally recognized for their quality. Lots of international students can apply for the same university as you are. Failing to get accepted is not supposed to devastate you, on the contrary it should push you to work harder to get the degree you dream of getting.

What do YOU need to check before applying for any Medicine University in Germany?

Before submitting you need to check whether your high school diploma is recognized with the university. In most cases it will, however, if it happens that it doesn’t, you’ll need to enroll in the “Studienkolleg” Foundation Course and particularly the “Feststellungsprüfung” exam.

Which are the best universities in Germany for studying Medicine?

When considering reputation of universities, the modern facilities available and job prospects after you finish university, the best medical schools in Germany are: Heidelberg University, Rwth Aachen University, Lubeck University, Witten/Hercke University, Magdeburg University etc. Every year they welcome more than 8000 international students.

Will your hard work pay off?

Becoming part of the student body of the high quality universities of Germany is a challenge but all the hard work and dedication will pay off in the end because Germany has many job opportunities for medicine students.

Do many foreign students come to Germany do study Medicine?

Students from all around the world come to study medicine in Germany. Besides the high quality of studies, the modern laboratories and the good experience you will get here, you will also get to socialize with international students.

Do all universities have the same requirements?

Universities have different rules for documents and for the deadlines to send these documents. Generally there are two main deadlines. The deadline for the winter semester for Medical Universities is on the 15th of July, whereas the deadline for the summer semester is on the 15th of January. If you choose a tuition free university, expect to pay 300 euros monthly for living expenses.

3 Most Important Documents for a Medicine University in Germany?

Universities may set their own list of necessary documents. That may vary from university to university. But wherever you apply, your recognized academic qualifications must be handed in, as well as evidence that you understand and speak the German language and you must take a specific test to see if you are eligible for the program you have chosen to apply for.

Is taking a gap year as a Medicine International Student a good idea?

In case the university you wanted to attend has rejected you, you can always take a gap year. Even if you take this decision, you still need to decide if you are going to apply next year at the same university. If this is what you want, then try to get as much information as possible on the reason that university rejected you! It might be because of not having all the right documents, maybe your GPA, etc.