Are there a lot of students who are studying engineering to work…
Are there a lot of students who are studying engineering to work as one in the future?
German universities and their engineering studies are the primary choices for many students all over the globe. There are way over 150,000 international students that are studying to become Engineers in the future.
Can you reapply if you do not get accepted the first time?
In a country, like Germany, where demands for studying for degrees are high, many students go unaccepted by their chosen universities. But remember with high motivation and dedication you can do it. You can be in the list of students who get to sit and listen to the lectures that they wanted to participate in.
Do German universities require a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB)?
Most universities in Germany, including Engineering schools may ask for a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB) meaning a higher education entrance qualification among other documents required, such as a high school diploma, CV, a cover letter and a proof of health insurance or an entrance exam score.
Should you keep persisting even if you do not get accepted?
Being refused hurts and is a devastating process to get past but it isn’t enough to set you back and make you believe that you can’t make it. That application isn’t going to fill itself. You better start trying again.
Can I still become an Engineer?
It is never impossible or too late to continue working to accomplish your study goals so you can become an engineer someday. Germany offers some of the best Engineering universities to anyone who meets the requirements and after finishing your studies you can find a secure job.
How many programs does Germany offer for engineering students?
With a high number of interested international students from all over the world, Engineering universities in Germany currently offer around 3,400 degree programs in Engineering, 220 of which are English-language master’s programs.
How can you check for engineering degrees in Germany online?
The Agency for Academic Exchange also known as DAAD in Germany has a database which has a list of many degrees you can finish in Germany, including engineering. The first step you need to take is to find the engineering degree you want.
What do the rankings of Engineering Universities in Germany look like?
German Engineering universities usually make it to the top engineering education rankings in the world. They are valued for their education methodologies, practice-oriented study programs, their excellent academic staff and obliging future prospects.