Why should you study a new language? Studying a new language is…

Why should you study a new language?

Studying a new language is a great way to get into the job market because it opens so many opportunities. Other than that it deepens your connection to other cultures because being able to speak another language it helps you accept others and empathize with them more.

Which is the most popular degree with international students in Germany?

Around 350,000 international students were studying in Germany where 140,000 of them were in an Engineering field, making Engineering the most studied program by international students.

Do most universities in Germany require the GDS test?

Most universities in Germany require the GDS test as proof of language proficiency. To be able to take this test, then your knowledge of German should be of an advanced level or higher.

What are some interesting benefits of learning the German language?

Learning the German language will enable you to enjoy philosophy, art, music and literature more. That is because Mozart, Nietzsche, Bach, Goethe, and many more highly respected individuals have written and composed in German.

Should you reward yourself while learning German?

One of the ways you can reward yourself after a successful study session is to rest for a little bit and when you decide to cook, cook from a German recipe. This will help you enjoy German even more, especially when you sit down to eat.

Should you take breaks while learning German?

Make sure you don’t just sit down for hours when learning the German language, it is important to practice pronunciation and the best way to do that is to speak to people who also know the language.

Which certificates can make it easier for you to study in Germany?

Having these certificates: DSH level 2 or above, GDS C2 level, TestDaF min. 4 points in each section and Language Certificate of the Education Ministers’ Conference level 2 with C2 in each section as well will make it easier for you to enroll in a German university because you don’t need to take a language proficiency test.

Does Germany accept more students than France?

Germany surpassed France in accepting international students. In the same year students went from 300,000 to 350,000, with a 30% increase. The number keeps growing every day and more international students apply.