How many sections do DSD have? The DSD test just like TestDaF…

How many sections do DSD have?

The DSD test just like TestDaF has four sections: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The exam has two parts DSD I which is equal to a B2/C1 CEFR level, and DSD II to a C2 CEFR level.

Which country has the most International Students in Germany?

In Germany, there was an increase in Chinese students in German universities by around 5% from 30,000 students to 32,000 making China the biggest distributor of international students there.

What certificates can make it possible for you to not take a language proficiency test?

As an international student if you have one of these certificates then you don’t need to take a language proficiency test: German University Entrance Qualification (Abitur), telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule certification, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom, the Assessment exam certificate (Feststellungsprüfungszeugnis), telc Deutch B1 certification, certificate of a Goethe-Institute Test and certificates of completing an academic study degree in Germany abroad.

Should you use German recipes while cooking food?

When you decide to cook, make sure you cook from German recipes. It is a fun way to enjoy yourself and learn more words, plus the end is quite rewarding!

Can learning the German language help you live and work abroad?

The German language is a great way to leave your country and get the education you need. Most international students who finish their degree in Germany find new jobs there and settle down.

How many international students study in Germany?

Overall, in Germany there are over 350,000 foreign students finishing their studies there. There has been an annual growth of international students in Germany, around 7 to 8% over the past few years and it keeps growing every day.

What are some of the benefits of learning a new language?

Learning a new language will enable your creativity and memory more. With better analytical, social, listening and problem solving skills, you will have an easier career to success.

Should you take breaks while learning German?

Make sure you don’t just sit down for hours when learning the German language, it is important to practice pronunciation and the best way to do that is to speak to people who also know the language.