Is refusal common? Refusal is a very common phenomenon that happens to…

Is refusal common?

Refusal is a very common phenomenon that happens to students all around the world. That doesn’t mean that it is an easy reality to get over with. One good way of solving the problem is by checking if other universities are still offering open positions.

How many programs does Germany offer for engineering students?

With a high number of interested international students from all over the world, Engineering universities in Germany currently offer around 3,400 degree programs in Engineering, 220 of which are English-language master’s programs.

Do you need to do a Studienkolleg before studying in Germany?

Although high achieving students may by-pass some requirements from universities, most of international students have to sit the Feststellungsprüfung entrance examination after having completed a Studienkolleg. This is not asked from all students. Besides this you are required a high school diploma, health insurance, language proficiency, visa.

How many students are enrolled in an engineering degree in Germany?

Engineering programs are still the most attractive study programs to students inside and outside of Germany. Out of 130,000 students that gained a degree in Engineering, about 2,500 of them were international students.

What are the tuition fees of German engineering universities?

Besides their excellent teaching methods, most Engineering universities in Germany offer low to no tuition fees to all international students all over the world! The only fees might be administrative fees to cover student services.

Can I still become an Engineer?

It is never impossible or too late to continue working to accomplish your study goals so you can become an engineer someday. Germany offers some of the best Engineering universities to anyone who meets the requirements and after finishing your studies you can find a secure job.

How hard is it to get on the list of accepted students?

Getting into the lists of accepted students in Engineering universities in Germany is pretty difficult and not being one of those students with the first try is okay, you can try again next year.

What does a German engineering university require when applying?

You need to send your application which should contain the requirements that are specific for the engineering university of your choice. Each university may ask for different documents so you have to check carefully.
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