Are you stressed because you are trying to learn the German language?…

Are you stressed because you are trying to learn the German language?

Learning a new language can be stressful so don’t be afraid to make mistakes, while you learn German. It happens to everyone all the time! Make sure that no matter how many mistakes you make, to keep going.

What certificates can make it possible for you to not take a language proficiency test?

As an international student if you have one of these certificates then you don’t need to take a language proficiency test: German University Entrance Qualification (Abitur), telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule certification, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom, the Assessment exam certificate (Feststellungsprüfungszeugnis), telc Deutch B1 certification, certificate of a Goethe-Institute Test and certificates of completing an academic study degree in Germany abroad.

What are some tips when learning the German language?

While you’re learning the German language you need to study regularly and always learn new words with their correct article. It will make it easier if you plan and set your goals for yourself every day.

What are the most and least preferred degrees with international students in Germany?

Engineering, Economics, Law and Social Sciences are the most preferred study fields by international students (65% students seek these degrees) in Germany whereas the least preferred programs with more than 1,000 are Sport courses.

How will the process of taking the DSH go?

If out of all the language proficiency exams you choose to take the DSH test, then keep in mind that 30% of the exam will be oral and the 70% left is written. The DSH test offers testing in these levels of German: basic (A1, A2), intermediate (B1/DSH1) and advanced (C1/DSH2 and C2/DSH3).

Why should a student learn a new language?

Learning a new language improves your analytical and problem solving skills. Not only that, it opens many doors to the job market, and through communicating it makes you accept and empathize with people from another country more.

What are some opportunities you can have if you know the German language?

Knowing the German language will open many opportunities for working and studying in Germany. Germany welcomes and supports all international students who have excellent grades and are hard-working.

Why is Germany sought out by so many foreign students?

Germany now has over 350,000 international students attending universities there, because it is one of the most wanted and popular destinations for international students not only for studying but job opportunities as well.