What are some interesting benefits of learning the German language? Learning the…

What are some interesting benefits of learning the German language?

Learning the German language will enable you to enjoy philosophy, art, music and literature more. That is because Mozart, Nietzsche, Bach, Goethe, and many more highly respected individuals have written and composed in German.

How can you take the DSD test?

If you’re going to take the DSD test, then you must be prepared for the 4 sections the exam has, which include: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The exam has two parts DSD I which is equal to a B2/C1 CEFR level, and DSD II to a C2 CEFR level.

Should you use German recipes while cooking food?

When you decide to cook, make sure you cook from German recipes. It is a fun way to enjoy yourself and learn more words, plus the end is quite rewarding!

Does Germany accept more students than France?

Germany surpassed France in accepting international students. In the same year students went from 300,000 to 350,000, with a 30% increase. The number keeps growing every day and more international students apply.

Which are some German language certificates accepted in Germany?

Some of the German language certificates that are accepted by German universities are: DSH level 2 or above, GDS C2 level, TestDaF min. 4 points in each section and Language Certificate of the Education Ministers’ Conference level 2 with C2 in each section as well.

How long should you learn German for in a day?

While you are learning German, don’t forget to take breaks every 40 to 50 minutes. We suggest you plan your day beforehand, so you don’t waste time. Also, during your study sessions remember to also learn the correct articles to new words.

Which is the most popular degree with international students in Germany?

Around 350,000 international students were studying in Germany where 140,000 of them were in an Engineering field, making Engineering the most studied program by international students.

Why should a student learn a new language?

Learning a new language improves your analytical and problem solving skills. Not only that, it opens many doors to the job market, and through communicating it makes you accept and empathize with people from another country more.